Establish a Meaningful Bond With Your Partner
Spiritual Coaching Life Coaching & Healing
Register for Journey Into Relationships
Online Video Training program
You will learn techniques to master thoughts, emotions, and speech, enabling you to attract the ideal relationship.
Clear The Past
Clear your past and negative programming. Using my combination of Reiki, Hypnotherapy, counseling, coaching, and insights from spirit, we will help you heal and clear the beliefs and patterns that hold you back.
Connect To Your Inner Wisdom
Connect and INNERstand your truth. You’ll be able to stand confidently knowing your true self-worth, what you should do with your life, and access your wisdom to steer your life towards abundance.
Create A New Life
Create a new life filled with Love and Harmony. Once you release and detach from your old thought patterns, habits, and triggers, you’ll have the freedom to choose what is in your life and allow new relationships, opportunities, and lifestyles that you’ve always wanted.
Meet Sa Ra
Sa Ra is a Spiritual Counselor, Life Coach, Energetic Healer, and Lecturer. An alumnus of the Aquarian Spiritual Center, he has studied the ancient wisdom of various Spiritual philosophies for over 30 years and is an ardent devotee of Sri Sri Amritanandamayi Devi. Sa Ra is a certified Reiki and Psych-K practitioner, Hypnotherapist and provides Spiritual, Personal, and Relationship counseling services.
Searching for Love? Looking to attract a relationship? Need to Rekindle your relationship? Trying to save your relationship before things fall apart?
Find a Deeper Connection
Learn the tools and techniques to connect with you and your partner’s true higher self. Feel the intimacy and love throughout every aspect of your life.

Eliminate Stress and Drama
Empower yourself with the tools to save your relationship and end the cycle of drama. You’ll be able to enjoy your relationship without all the games fully.
Relationships can be challenging, difficult, and frustrating, but it does not have to be this way! Sa Ra will teach you the true source of happiness, the true purpose of relationships, and how to attract and maintain a wonderful and fulfilling relationship.
You will learn techniques to master thoughts, emotions, and speech, enabling you to attract the ideal relationship. Through his simple processes, he will teach techniques to help you and your current or future relationship partner detach and respond positively instead of reacting negatively. After attending this seminar, you will be able to:
Attract and Choose Healthier Relationships
Gain Deeper Knowledge and Innerstanding of Yourself
Achieve Deeper Personal and Spiritual Growth
Discontinue Destructive Relationship Cycles
Eliminate Relationship Stress and Drama
Develop the capacity for Unconditional Love and transition away from Transactional Love
Sa Ra’s Guarantee
I guarantee that if you apply the techniques that I teach, you will immediately reap the following benefits:
Deeper insight into yourself
Reduced stress
Improved sleep
Deeper and more meaningful relationships
Enhanced control over your thoughts and emotions
Need-based scholarships are available to those that quality